
Announcing: BitwaveU!


Announcing: BitwaveU!
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Today, Bitwave is thrilled to announce the launch of BitwaveU – a new, revolutionary online certification platform for web3 accounting and finance professionals.

BitwaveU provides both beginner-level “web3 boot camp” courses and advanced crypto accounting lessons to educate professionals of all levels– regardless of their web3 experience.

From Web3 Beginners to Crypto-Native Experts

A range of topics are available now, including: “NFTs: The Basics,” “Intro to Crypto Tokens,” “Mining and Validators,” and “TradFi vs. CeFi vs. DeFi.” Visitors to the learning hub can also access advanced certification training courses about the Bitwave platform itself.

With a commitment to supporting the continued educational growth and success of finance professionals everywhere, BitwaveU is open to anyone looking to expand their knowledge. The platform is equally available to Bitwave partners, customers, and those outside of the Bitwave community.

Why BitwaveU? 

“At Bitwave, we're obviously passionate about digital assets, but since the very beginning, we’ve also been incredibly passionate about driving education within this ecosystem. With the launch of BitwaveU, we’re continuing to lead the web3 accounting industry with a deeper, more accessible level of knowledge and professional education.” said Pat White, CEO and Co-Founder of Bitwave.

“Very early at Bitwave, we recognized an education gap around crypto accounting at every level. Startup founders, enterprise finance teams, and accounting professionals all need to be informed before they can educate others about the web3 accounting landscape. BitwaveU is here to solve for this gap,” he said.

As an officially licensed NASBA sponsor, BitwaveU delivers continuing education credits in fulfillment of the annual CPE requirements for CPAs.

The Next Evolution of Multisig Media

The launch of BitwaveU follows Bitwave's strategic acquisition of web3 accounting CPE and news provider, Multisig Media. The learning hub from Multisig Media serves as the foundation for the new BitwaveU platform. This acquisition reinforced Bitwave's core founding principle of serving as a leading educational provider for the web3 accounting and finance industries.

To access BitwaveU, please visit

View the official press release

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